AAFCANS is Australia’s Army & Air Force Canteen Service. A not for profit organisation which has been established in Australia for over 100 years.
OnePoint recently had the pleasure of working with AAFCANS to develop a new responsive website for the organisation.
Our developers worked closely with the in-house marketing team at AAFCANS to develop a streamlined website that’s optimised for desktop, tablet and smartphone devices.
The new website is also compatible with the DRN (Defense Restricted Network) as various measures were put in place to support older browser versions of Internet Explorer and Edge.
The new website features a content management system to allow staff to post updates on everything from blog posts, to job openings, current promotions and more.
With data management in mind, the new website now features a range of tools to allow AAFCANS staff to easily make website updates including a page builder for layouts, slideshow & gallery management tools, table creation modules and more.
View the new AAFCANS website online now here.